Blackmans Bay Motors

Auto Repairs, TYRES and Servicing in Hobart

Repairs, servicing, tyres, wheel alignment, wheel balancing and vehicle safety checks for all makes and models.

book in for tyres

To book your car in for it's next set of tyres, wheel alignment or wheel balance click the button below and complete the booking form.

If you have a general enquiry please feel free to call us on 03 6229 1434

Book in for Tyres

Book a Service

To book your car in for it's next service,

click the button below and complete

the booking form.

If you have a general enquiry please feel free to call us on 03 6229 1434

Book a Service

Our Services

Car servicing in Hobart

General Servicing

We use high-quality products, to ensure that your new car warranty is protected at all times.

Wheel Alignment and Balancing in Hobart

Tyres, Alignments

and Balancing

Fitted and balanced, quality, good wearing, quiet running with correct load and speed ratings to comply with your vehicle.

Car Air Conditioning service and repairs in hobart

Air Conditioning

Preseason maintenance check and re-gassing. ARC tick Certified Workshop Auth No: AU19743

Brakes and clutch servicing and repairs in Hobart

Brakes and Clutch

We do our own on car machining of rotors and use Bendix disc pads.

Vehicle Safety Inspections in Hobart

Vehicle Inspections

Book an appointment today for a comprehensive, professional vehicle inspection by our experienced team of technicians.

Car engine diagnostics in Hobart

Engine Diagnostics

Being members of Auto Data and using the latest scan tools gives prompt diagnosis and repair.

Vehicle log book servicing in Hobart

Log Book Servicing

We can follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for your vehicle or tailor it to suit your requirements.

Car battery replacement in Hobart

Battery Replacement

From simple replacement to vehicles needing coding and registering of batteries.

Additional Services

  • Registration inspections(AIS inspection station)
  • Safety test lane
  • Engine replacements and rebuilds
  • Courtesy car available
  • Pick up/drop off in local area
  • Servicing of new, 4WD and light commercial vehicles
  • New tyres fitted
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Brake and clutch service – including replacing parts, disc and drum machining
  • Driveline – including noise/vibration diagnostics
  • Diesel servicing and repairs
  • Flywheel machining
  • Fleet Maintenance
  • Wheel Alignment
  • Wheel Balancing

Complimentary Roadside Assist

A complimentary roadside assistance voucher is available after every service completed at Blackmans Bay Motors. This voucher is organised through the Tasmanian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (TACC) and provides assistance if required with Flat Battery, Spare tyre fitment, Run out of Fuel & 25km of Complimentary Towing.

The Voucher covers the vehicle for 6 months/12 months depending on the age of the vehicle, it is 7 days a week & 24 hours a day.

If you require roadside assistance, please contact TACC directly on:

1300 880 722

Book a Service

Thank you for choosing
Blackmans Bay Motors.

To book your car in for it's next service, please complete the form here giving as much detail as possible.  You will receive a confirmation email and/or sms to confirm your booking.

If you have a general enquiry please feel free to call us on:

03 6229 1434

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